Import and Export Node-RED Flows

This page describes how to import and export Node-RED flows.

Export Node-RED Flows

To export Node-RED flows, please follow the steps below:

  1. Access Node-RED by navigating to http://<CLUSTER-IP>:1880/nodered in your browser. Replace <CLUSTER-IP> with the IP address of your cluster, or localhost if you are running the cluster locally.

  2. From the top-right menu, select Export.

  3. From the Export dialog, select wich nodes or flows you want to export.

  4. Click Download to download the exported flows, or Copy to clipboard to copy the exported flows to the clipboard.


The credentials of the connector nodes are not exported. You will need to re-enter them after importing the flows.

Import Node-RED Flows

To import Node-RED flows, please follow the steps below:

  1. Access Node-RED by navigating to http://<CLUSTER-IP>:1880/nodered in your browser. Replace <CLUSTER-IP> with the IP address of your cluster, or localhost if you are running the cluster locally.

  2. From the top-right menu, select Import.

  3. From the Import dialog, select the file containing the exported flows, or paste the exported flows from the clipboard.

  4. Click Import to import the flows.


Last modified April 4, 2023: feat: version (75e2d11)