
This page contains the technical documentation of the plugin factoryinput-panel, which allows for easy execution of MQTT messages inside the UMH stack from a Grafana panel.

This microservice is still in development and is not considered stable for production use


  • A United Manufacturing Hub stack
  • External IP or URL to the grafana-proxy
    • In most cases it is the same IP address as your Grafana dashboard.

Getting started

For development, the steps to build the plugin from source are described here.

  1. Go to united-manufacturing-hub/grafana-plugins/umh-factoryinput-panel
  2. Install dependencies.
yarn install
  1. Build plugin in development mode or run in watch mode.
yarn dev
  1. Build plugin in production mode (not recommended due to Issue 32336).
yarn build
  1. Move the resulting dis folder in your Grafana plugins directory.
  • Windows: C:\Program Files\GrafanaLabs\grafana\data\plugins
  • Linux: /var/lib/grafana/plugins
  1. Rename the folder to umh-factoryinput-panel.

  2. Enable the enable development mode to load unsigned plugins.

  3. restart your Grafana service.

Technical Information

Below you will find a schematic of this flow, through our stack.

Last modified April 4, 2023: feat: version (75e2d11)