
This section contains the overview of the community-supported components of the United Manufacturing Hub used to extend the functionality of the platform.

The microservices in this section are not part of the Core of the United Manufacturing Hub, either because they are still in development, deprecated or only supported community. They can be used to extend the functionality of the platform.

It is not recommended to use these microservices in production as they might be unstable or not supported anymore.


The technical documentation of the barcodereader microservice, which reads barcodes and sends the data to the Kafka broker.


The technical documentation of the cameraconnect microservice, which caputers images from a camera and sends them to the MQTT broker.


The technical documentation of the factoryinput microservice, which provides REST endpoints for MQTT messages via HTTP requests.

Grafana Proxy

The technical documentation of the grafana-proxy microservice, which proxies request from Grafana to the backend services.

Kafka State Detector

The technical documentation of the kafka-state-detector microservice, which detects the state of the Kafka broker.

Kafka to Blob

The technical documentation of the kafka-to-blob microservice, which stores raw images from Kafka to a blob storage.


The technical documentation of the minio microservice, which provides a S3 compatible object storage.

MQTT Simulator

The technical documentation of the iotsensorsmqtt microservice, which simulates sensors sending data to the MQTT broker.

MQTT to Postgresql

The technical documentation of the mqtt-to-postgresql microservice, which consumes messages from an MQTT broker and writes them in a PostgreSQL database.

OPCUA Simulator

The technical documentation of the opcua-simulator microservice, which simulates OPCUA devices.

PackML Simulator

The technical documentation of the packml-simulator microservice, which simulates a manufacturing line using PackML over MQTT.

Tulip Connector

The technical documentation of the tulip-connector microservice, which exposes internal APIs, such as factoryinsight, to the internet. Specifically designed to communicate with Tulip.

Last modified April 4, 2023: feat: version (75e2d11)